Nevada Public Time Frames

Step 1: Notice
  • Serve prime contractor within 30 days of first furnishing materials or labor.

Step 2: Written Demand
  • Serve a written demand for payment, to the prime contractor within 90 days of the last date of furnishing materials or labor to which the claim applies.

Step 3: Suit
  • Not less than 90 days nor more than 1 year after last furnishing.

Bond Bits

  • Contracts less than $100,000 are excluded from bond requirements.
  • Amount of Bond: 50% of contract price. See Public Speed Bumps
  • SB448 effective July 1, 2017 Transportation P3 projects: Owner’s agreement may include one or a combination of the following as an acceptable form of security: payment bonds, parent company guarantees, letters of credit or other satisfactory forms of security.