- County: Abbeville
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: P.O. Box 579 Abbeville, SC 29620-0579 Phone: (864) 459-5312
- County: Aiken
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.aikencountysc.gov/ Address: 828 Richland Avenue West Aiken, SC 29801-3834 Phone: (803) 642-1690
- County: Bamberg
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: P.O. Box 149 Bamberg, SC 29003-0149 Phone: (803) 245-5191
- County: Beaufort
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.bcgov.net/ Address: P.O. Drawer 1228 Beaufort, SC 29901-1228 Phone: (843) 470-2800
- County: harleston
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.charlestoncounty.org/ Address: 2 Courthouse Square Charleston, SC 29401-2204 Phone: (843) 958-4030
- County: Chesterfield
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: 200 West Main Street Chesterfield, SC 29709-1527 Phone: (843) 623-2535
- County: Clarendon
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.clarendoncounty.sc.gov/ Address: P.O. Box 486 Manning, SC 29102-0486 Phone: (803) 435-8424
- County: Colleton
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.colletoncounty.org/ Address: P.O. Box 157 Walterboro, SC 29488-0002 Phone: (843) 549-5791
- County: Darlington
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.darcosc.com/ Address: 1 Public Square, Room 210 Darlington, SC 29532-3213 Phone: (843) 398-4100
- County: Dillon
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: P.O. Box 449 Dillon, SC 29536-0449 Phone: (843) 774-1400
- County: Dorchester
Clerk: Margaret Bailey Register of Deeds Website: http://www.dorchestercounty.net/ Address: 201 Johnson Street Saint George, SC 29477-2412 Phone: (843) 563-0103
- County: Fairfield
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: P.O. Drawer 60 Winnsboro, SC 29180-0060 Phone: (803) 635-1411
- County: Florence
Website: http://www.florenceco.org/ Address: 180 North Irby Street Florence, SC 29501-3456 Phone: (843) 665-3099
- County: Georgetown
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.georgetowncountysc.org/ Address: P.O. Box 421270 Georgetown, SC 29442-0000 Phone: (843) 546-4189
- County: Greenville
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.greenvillecounty.org/ Address: 301 University Ridge, Suite 3100 Greenville, SC 29601-3674 Phone: (864) 467-7243
- County: Greenwood
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.co.greenwood.sc.us/ Address: 528 Monument Street Greenwood, SC 29646-2643 Phone: (864) 942-8500
- County: Hampton
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.hamptoncountysc.org/ Address: 201 Jackson Street West Hampton, SC 29924-3256 Phone: (803) 943-7536
- County: Horry
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.horrycounty.org/ Address: 1301 Second Avenue Conway, SC 29526-5116 Phone: (843) 915-5020
- County: Jasper
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.jaspercountysc.org/ Address: P.O. Box 1149 Ridgeland, SC 29936-1149 Phone: (843) 726-7700
- County: Lancaster
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.lancastercountysc.net/ Address: P.O. Box 1809 Lancaster, SC 29721-1809 Phone: (803) 285-1565
- County: Laurens
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.laurenscounty.org/ Address: P.O. Box 445 Laurens, SC 29360-0445 Phone: (864) 984-5214
- County: Lee
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sccounties.org/ Address: P.O. Box 309 Bishopville, SC 29010-0000 Phone: (803) 484-5341
- County: Lexington
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.lex-co.com/ Address: 212 South Lake Drive, Suite 301 Lexington, SC 29072-3437 Phone: (803) 785-8470 (for Recording & Recording Fee questions) Phone: (803) 785-8168 (for all other questions.) Fax: (803) 785-8189
- County: Marlboro
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.marlborocounty.sc.gov/ Address: P.O. Box 419 Bennettsville, SC 29512-0419 Phone: (843) 479-5600
- County: Newberry
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.newberrycounty.net/ Address: P.O. Box 156 Newberry, SC 29108-0156 Phone: (803) 321-2100
- County: Oconee
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.oconeesc.com/ Address: 415 S Pine St Walhalla, SC 29691-2145 Phone: (864) 638-4244
- County: Orangeburg
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.orangeburgcounty.org/ Address: P.O. Box 9000 Orangeburg, SC 29116-9000 Phone: (803) 533-1000
- County: Pickens
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.co.pickens.sc.us/ Address: 222 McDaniel Avenue Pickens, SC 29671-2759 Phone: (864) 878-4753
- County: Richland
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.richlandonline.com/ Address: P.O. Box 192 Columbia, SC 29202-0192 Phone: (803) 576-1910
- County: Spartanburg
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.spartanburgcounty.org/ Address: 366 N. Church Street, Room 100 Spartanburg, SC 29303-3637 Phone: (864) 596-2514
- County: Sumter
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.sumtercountysc.org/ Address: 13 East Canal Street Sumter, SC 29150-4925 Phone: (803) 773-1581
- County: York
Clerk: Register of Deeds Website: http://www.yorkcountygov.com/ Address: P.O. Box 649 York, SC 29745-0066 Phone: (803) 628-3039