Best Practices

Preliminary Notices – Having to Serve Them vs. Should be Serving Them

Preliminary Notices – Having to Serve Them vs. Should be Serving Them Presented by Chris Ring NACM Secured Transaction Services

Construction Contracts

Negotiating Construction Contracts in the COVID-19 World

Negotiating Construction Contracts in the COVID-19 World Presented by Michael Cortez, Esq. Andrews Myers PC

Best Practices Contracts

Full Price vs. Unpaid Balance Liens – What’s the difference and why it’s so important to know the difference.

Full Price vs. Unpaid Balance Liens – What’s the difference and why it’s so important to know the difference. Presented by Chris Ring NACM’s Secured Transaction Services

Best Practices

Joint Check Agreements – a Quick Primer

Joint Check Agreements – a Quick Primer Presented by Attorney Karen Hart Bell Nunnally & Martin LLP


Joint Check Agreements with Security, Guaranty and Trust Fund Options

Joint Check Agreements with Security, Guaranty and Trust Fund Options Presented by James D. Fullerton Fullerton & Knowles, P.C.


Life after COVID-19; Contract and Practical Considerations

Life after COVID-19; Contract and Practical Considerations Presented by Attorney Seth Robbins Robbins Law Group, PLLC


Managing Construction Credit and the Importance of Gathering the Right Job Information

Managing Construction Credit and the Importance of Gathering the Right Job Information Presented by Chris Ring NACM’s Secured Transaction Services

Best Practices Liens Waivers

Mechanic’s Lien & Bond Waivers: Reading and Revising Waivers to Protect Security Rights

Mechanic’s Lien & Bond Waivers: Reading and Revising Waivers to Protect Security Rights Presented by Attorney Jim Fullerton Fullerton & Knowles, P.C.


Navigating Lien and Trust Fund Rights, When a Party in the Construction Supply Chain Files Bankruptcy

Navigating Lien and Trust Fund Rights, When a Party in the Construction Supply Chain Files Bankruptcy Presented by Attorney Bruce Nathan Lowenstein Sandler LLP and Chris Ring NACM’s Secured Transaction Services


U.S. Construction Outlook: Workforce Worries, Project Prospects, Supply Snags

U.S. Construction Outlook: Workforce Worries, Project Prospects, Supply Snags Presented by Ken SimonsonAssociated General Contractorsof AmericaAmy Crews Cutts, PhD, CBE®AC Cutts & Associates LLC