Montana Private Time Frames

Step 1: Notice
  • Commercial - No Requirement: NACM suggests serving notice 45 days from last furnishing to prompt payment.
    • Residential – 4 or less dwellings, serve owner and FILE with the county recorder within 20 days of first furnishing. See exception in Speed Bumps. File Notice of Right to Claim a Lien within 5 business days of serving owner. On residential projects in Montana MLBS protocol is to mail notices only on projects $5,000.00 or less to help prompt payment.   To be fully protected to have lien rights on residential projects the "Notice of Right to Claim a Lien" must be recorded.  MLBS engages an Attorney (Attorney Produced NTO) to serve and record these notices which can become very costly. 
    • Laborers - No Requirement: NACM suggests serving notice 45 days from last furnishing to prompt payment.

Step 2: Lien
  • The earlier of 90 days of last furnishing or 90 days of the owner’s Notice of Completion.

Step 3: Foreclosure
  • Within 2 years of lien filing.