North Carolina Public Time Frames

Step 1: Notice
  • Serve formal Notice of Public Subcontract on the prime contractor as soon as possible to trap funds and no later than 75 days of first furnishing.

Step 2: Bond Claim
  • Written notice to the prime contractor within 120 days of last furnishing. Notice is not necessary when contracting with the principal (prime contractor).

Step 3: Suit Against Bond
  • No sooner than 90 days, but no later than one year after the date of last furnishing or one year from the date of final settlement with contractor, whichever is later.

Bond Bits

  • Contracts under $300,000 are excluded from bond requirements.
  • Amount of Bond: 100% of contract price.
  • P3 statute  - payment bonds required per 2013-401 follows public statute requirements listed above.