Commercial: Lien claimants without a direct contract with the prime contractor or, in the instance that there is no prime contractor owner; serve within 30 days of first furnishing.
Residential: Serve Pre-Lien Notice as soon as possible to trap funds.
Step 2: Lien
Residential: 10-day notification prior to lien filing; file within 90 days of last furnishing
Commercial: A claim of lien must be filed within 90 days after last furnishing.
Serve Owner and General Contractor within 2 days after recording.
Caution: See WAIVER WIRE section for important statute detail within 60 days of signing a Waiver/Release when payment has not been received.
Step 3: Foreclosure
Within 180 days from the date of the filing of a claim of lien. A lis pendens notice shall be filed with the commencement of the action, with a copy provided to the owner and contractor as well.